
I think and believe it is common experience that we get used to get dirty if we work in the dirt everyday! So we just get used to it and accept it as normal to be dirty!

I think and believe it is also obvious that our society is getting dirty and is getting used to be dirty!

But NO MATTER what is going on around us that brings the dirt into our lives;

Philippians 4:4-9

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me – put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Much love to you all


Love Love Love!!!

Love Love Love on all the people!!!

Love Love Love on all the people!!!
Because God loved us first!!!
1Jo 4:19

God’s kingdom people!

Let us never forget that we are God’s kingdom people!

Let us also never forget to live God’s kingdom peoples lives! Joh. 13:35

Let us also never forget the hope that strengthen us by being God’s kingdom people!

As God’s kingdom people let us serve Him, and HIM ALONE!
De 6:13, Lu 4:8

Coal Electricity

Germany needs this:


Just something to think about that things can be done rightly!


Globalization done rightly

G 20 in Hamburg Germany does not really understand Globalization!

Here is a suggestion from a song of the 80th, a decade where people understood life is about living :



You all be blessed as JESUS LOVE YOU!!!

Celebrating Good Friday

Celebrating Good Friday, the day when the Good News of which we hear for 2000 years now  actually happened!

For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Heb. 12:2b

The day when death was defeated when Jesus said; IT IS FINISHED.

So let us rejoice and celebrate HIM who is alone and forever worthy of all our praise!

What Matter Matters Most

Scientists have discovered the various forms of “matter”; there is “normal matter” which makes about 5% of the universe, there is “dark matter” which makes about 23% of the universe, for politicians there is “doesn’t matter” which makes the majority of humans, for the majority of humans there is “mad matter” which is made of politicians and there is “most matter” which consists entirely of JESUS!

Loving Them To Pieces

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” says Paul in Romans 12:15.

Often God lets us feel very strongly the affliction of the people around us; in our neighbourhood, at work and surely in church. We feel with those who feel, whether good or bad.

Especially when others feel bad and complaining all the time we suffer with them and want to bring comfort to them and their lives. This is not an easy task if they know not God or even reject Him. We do of course pray for them and give them and their cause to God, but in some cases they are so stiff neck and one would just like to hit them so hard on their head that they may come to their senses.

Well, that would be a very worldly action and might even destroy the  broken pieces that the hit on their head has left to never come back together in an orderly manner.

Thank God He has given us some thing way better; Love.

It is God’s way to break people in order to restore them and put them back together in His loving and caring way. God has shown us that when He hits people to break them; He hits them with a love that might smash them to pieces but these pieces are still in a good condition to be put back together to build a whole new healthy creation.

So even when we feel like hitting someone for their good let us not forget that God is not in that but that He has giving us His love by loving us first to pieces; Weren’t we all broken when He loved us to pieces while dying on the cross for us?

So let us remember our brokenness that God gave us when we suffer by seeing our neighbour suffering from not knowing or even rejecting God and let us just;              Love Them To Pieces.





OK, I’m done with my groceries and again the eyes where bigger than…
the icebox in my fridge. So I had to eat one pizza right away.
Well, just another answer to the great question where to store your food best; in your stomach!!!
Sometimes I wish I could eat all food for one week in one setting but I believe God has purposed for us to eat every day so that when we satisfy our hunger with the food He provides us every day we are reminded to praise and thank Him every day,
first for who He is and second for what He has done and is doing for us every day.

It is His will to bless us and provide for ALL our needs that we may live in peace and freedom here on earth as it is in heaven.

Now my prayer is for you all that you will receive His love and peace every day anew as we praise and thank Him in our worship every day for His grace and mercy is new EVERY MORNING.
